Sabtu, 10 September 2016

NARRATIVE(It is about time to tell a strory...)

    In this section of speaking, you will have to be able to express your sadnes and sympathy as well as understanding people's expressions on the cases. Sadnes is used when you have something bad happening to you, like having bad marks on a test, losing something or even losing someone.
   While sympathy expression is used when you notice or are told about bad news such as someone's failure, unlucky experience or even death

Here are some expressions you can use to express yourself on:
  • I Have just lost my pocketvmoney this morning.
  • I can't believe that my cat died so soon
  • My brother is being hospitalized
  • Etc
  • Iam sorry to hear that
  • Please,  be strong, we are here to help you
  • Iam so sad to know it.
  • What terrible news!
  • Dont worry much about it; we will try again
  • Etc


       Kata sifat. (adj) atau kata keterangan (adv) yang digunakan              untuk mendeskripsikan kata benda (Noun)

       Pattern: Determiner + Adverb/objektif + main word

 Sequence Of Modifier
       Sequence Of Modifier dibagi menjadi 12: 

  1. Determiner
  2. Original Number
  3. Cardinal Number
  4. Adverb
  5. Opini
  6. Ukuran
  7. Usia
  8. Bentuk
  9. Warna
  10. Asal
  11. Bahan
  12. Tujuan

Examples :
  1. Determiner: a, on, the, this, my, his, her, her, some, many. Etc
  2. Original number: Firs, second, third. Etc
  3. Cardinal Number: One, Two, Three, Etc
  4. Adverb: Very, Father, So, Really, Obviously. Etc
  5. Opini: Beautiful,  Handsome, Intereting, Fun. Etc
  6. Ukuran: Small, Big, Tall, Fat, Short. Etc
  7. Usia: Old, New, Traditional, Modern. Etc
  8. Bentuk: Round, Square, Triangle. Etc
  9. Warna: White, black, krange. Etc
  10. Asal: Indonesia, Javanese, European. Etc
  11. Bahan: Plastic, leather, wooden, silk, woll. Etc
  12. Tujuan: writing, reading, adventure, sport. Etc

Narrative text is a text telling about a conflicting story ended with a resolution os the conflict.

Sosial Function
To amuse, entertain and deal with actual or vicavious experience in different ways; narrative deal with problematic event which lead to a conflict or turning point of some kinf in turn finds resolutions.

The generic structures of Narrative text are:
  1. Orientation
  2. Evaluation
  3. Conflicts/complications/crisis
  4. Resolution
  5. Coda
Kind of Narrative Texts:
  1. Fable
  2. Fairy tails(Cinderella)
  3. Historical Story
  4. Folktales
  5. Novels
  6. Film
  7. Drama, Etc

Note: Materi kelas 11 semester 1. Dicatat yaa kawan bahasa inggris itu penting looh.. Semangaat catat nya :-D 

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