Jumat, 09 September 2016


Question Tag 

  • Pattern
  • Definition
  • Kind of Auxiliary

1.1 Question Tag
(kalimat dengan unsur penegasan)

1.2 Pattern: S+Aux+o+Aux+S

1.3 Kind Of Auxiliary
  1. Tobe              : Are, am, is
  2. V1                  : do
  3. V1 + s/es        : does
  4. V2.                : did
  5. Have.             : do
  6. Has.               : does
  7. Had                : did
  8. Have/has+V3  : Have/has
  9.  Do/does         : Do/does
  10.  Have to          : do
  11. Has to            : does
  12. Modal.            :  will(Would), can(could), may(might)

  1.  She is beautiful 
  2. They play football
  3. She brings a book
  4. He saw a ghost
  5. I have a cut cat
  6. She has a beautiful flowers
  7. You had many pets
  8. We haven't met before
  9. You did a great job
  10. I have to go now
  11. He has to cook the meal
  12. They will not visit us


a. Penggunaan to be "am"
  • I am beautiful,  arent i?
  • I am not ugly, am i?
b. Kalimat perintah
  • Don't touch me, will you?
  • Let me go, will you?
c. Kalimat ajakan
  • Let's go shopping, shall we?
d. Kata kata bermakna negatif
  • Never
  • Seldom
  • Rarely
  • Barely
  • Rushly
  • Hardly
e. Someone/somebody
  • Everyone = they
  • Anyone.   = they
  • Noone.     = they
       Examples > Everyone in this dass brings mobile phone, don't                              they?

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